A robust analytical method is essential for formulation development of your new drug.
LATITUDE’s GLP and GMP analytical laboratories are well-equipped with advanced instrumentation to develop analytical methods to support the formulation development and manufacture of NCE or generic drugs.
Our experienced and well-trained scientists capably develop and perform a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods required in drug formulation development and drug stability evaluation.
Our analytical instrumentation includes →
Balances and microbalances
Capillary electrophoresis IEF analyzer (Protein Simple ICE280)
Circular dichroism spectrometer
Coulter counter
Differential scanning calorimeter
Digital microscope
Dissolution apparatuses with autosamplers (Vankel)
Dissolution system (Sotax CE 7smart)
Franz cell apparatus
Halogen moisture analyzer
Helium pycnometer
HPLCs with UV, PDA, ELSD, RI, CAD, fluorescence and mass detectors
Inhalation particle analyzer (Next Generation Impactor, NGI)
Injection force analyzer
Karl Fischer titrator
Light scattering detector
Moisture sorption isotherm analyzer
Particle analyzers (Mastersizer with dry & wet samplers, nano-sizer, HIAC, DLS)
Particle counters (HIAC, Single Particle Optical Sensing Acusizer, Coulter)
Plate readers
Stability chambers
Tablet friability tester
Tapped density tester
Thermogravimetric analyzer/differential scanning calorimeter
USP dissolution apparatus and samplers
USP tablet disintegration tester
X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD)
Zeta potential analyzer